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Santee residents defeat Fanita Ranch in court!
Any similar project approved requires a public vote

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Vote NO on Fanita Ranch!


The rugged Fanita hillside open spaces are under assault by out-of-town developers who would leave existing residents saddled with traffic gridlock from a 3,000-unit project generating over 25,000 vehicle trips/day. 

No new road outlets will be constructed. Over 8,000 new residents jammed onto existing roads jeopardize emergency evacuation and risk the loss of Santee’s family-friendly community atmosphere. 

This is our time in our town! Let’s work together to STOP Fanita Sprawl and protect our quality of life! Vote No on __ Fanita Ranch!

The city council does not respect the will of voters on Fanita Ranch or General Plan issues.To circumvent voters, in 2020, city council rushed approval of the massive Fanita subdivision ahead of the peoples' imminent vote to protect the General Plan, despite council's promises to wait on the peoples' decision.

Councilmember empty promises documented in two publications supported the peoples' right to vote on the General Plan Protection Initiative (passed in 2020) prior to any city council decision on the Fanita project.

The steep slopes of the Fanita mountains shield the interior of the majestic Fanita Ranch from Santee’s urban development. Fanita’s natural urban growth boundary provides endangered species habitat and a golden scenic backdrop of visual relief for the city. The northern interior of the ranch is a walk back in time with a unique serenity now unknown elsewhere in coastal San Diego County. 


Fanita brims full of wildlife and is considered a biological core habitat by the Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP). Fanita Ranch is ground zero in the battle between potential developers and Santee residents determined to avoid the devastating impacts of a massive sprawl subdivision.

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